Thursday, 24 January 2019

The Gift of Life.

"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16:31"

Salvation is a gift freely given to all of humanity; regardless of age, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religious background among others.  Yet, the single most important factor is that, there is No Salvation outside of Faith in Jesus Christ the Son of the living God! John 3:16. For there is no other name under Heaven; given among men (humanity), by which a person can be saved...except the name Jesus Christ Acts 4:12. Beloved, truth be told, there's absolute certainty and hope of eternal life and a place with God in Jesus Christ!

You have the opportunity to make it right with God through Faith in His Only begotten Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Only Believe and Confess him as your Lord and Saviour...acknowledging that he took your place and died a shameful death on Calvary's cross.
I don't know what is more important than the need for securing one's Eternity.

Dearly beloved,  it is not too late yet, whether you have blasphemed against the Lord, his word and deity or haven lived life in unusual wickedness....None of it really matters. The Lord declares in his word, that "Come to me, all of you who are tired of the load, burden and guilt of Sin, and I will give you rest (salvation and eternal life). No one is exempted in this call to repentance...He is ready to receive you just as you are and transform you by the workings of His power into a life giving person...a new creation for his glory and honor in the earth.

Lets pray right now...👇👇👇

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your love and concern for me. I'm grateful for your Grace and mercy that is unending, the reason for which I am counted among the living this day. I'm sorry for all the years I have lived as though you never existed. I admit that I have been wrong in my opinions and choices. Today I believe and receive your gift of salvation presented in Jesus Christ. I accept Jesus Christ into my heart and life as my only Lord and Personal Saviour. Master Jesus, write my name in your book of Life in Heaven. Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit and Power So that I will be able to live for you the rest of my days in this life.
Thank you Lord, for saving me this day. Amen!